1. The outdoor store specializes in various things and has a complete range of products.
Generally speaking, people who are just starting to pay attention to the outdoors will go to the sports counters in large department stores to buy outdoor equipment or travel supplies. I only realized when I got started that small outdoor shops were more professional, offering various price points, whether it was leisure travel or professional outdoor products, whether it was cups and socks, or baby backpacks for outdoor hiking. However, in terms of brand and professional level, big department stores have limited value for things, and the cost-effectiveness of things is not high. For example, things like Rigao are not cheap, and not to mention, things may be more suitable for leisure tourism, rather than outdoor camping or exploration with higher professional index. Since you're going to buy something you don't understand, it's definitely not wrong to go for a complete variety.
2. Professional service
A large department store may give you a sense of security as a newcomer, but those aunties and uncles are often not proficient in the performance and use of outdoor equipment. And professional outdoor stores can provide you with more professional explanations and recommendations. Let you have a more intimate shopping experience. After all, buying outdoor products is not about buying groceries, everything is very expensive.
3. High cost-effectiveness, ensuring life safety.
Many people initially purchased some equipment from department stores in a daze, but later realized that without professional guidance, it would really be a waste of money. Many things were bought again shortly after use. After all, outdoor sports are extremely risky activities. Choosing the right thing is treating one's life well. Buying twice is better than investing in it all at once. Although the professional things in small outdoor shops are not cheap, at least the money you put in is worth it under professional guidance.
以上是關于 專業(yè)戶外用品 的介紹,若想了解相關知識可請點擊:http://www.qdfst.com 我們將會全心全意為您提供滿分服務,歡迎您的來電!
The above is an introduction to professional outdoor products. If you want to learn more about related knowledge, please click: http://www.qdfst.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!